Sabtu, 04 Juni 2011

On the Run

Jay Chou - On The Run
Release date: 1st November 2007
Album kedelapan Jay Chou, album ini menandai perubahan signifikan dalam gaya untuk Jay Chou. Untuk pertama kalinya ia eksperimen dengan musik country, menggunakannya dalam judul lagu nya "Cowboy Is Very Busy". Namun ia masih tetap dengan gayanya sendiri untuk sisa album. Album ini lebih dari yang lain mencerminkan kehidupan Jay Chou.
Lagu dalam On The Run
1. 牛仔很忙 (Cowboy Is Very Busy) (niu zai hen mang)
2. 彩虹 (Rainbow) (cai hong)
3. 青花瓷 (Chinese Flower Pot) (qing hua ci)
4. 陽光宅男 (Sunshine Homeboy) (yang guang zhai nan)
5. 蒲公英的約定 (Dandelion's Promise) (pu gong ying de yue ding)
6. 無雙 (Unparalleled) (wu shuang)
7. 我不配 (I'm Not Worthy) (wo bu pei)
8. 扯 (Babbling) (che)
9. 甜甜的 (Sweet) (tian tian de)
10. 最長的電影 (The Longest Movie) (zui chang de dian ying)

Review yang diambil dari

我不配 (I'm Not Worthy) (wo bu pei)
I felt really sad after hearing this, I wanted to tell Jay that he will always be worthy. It's lovely and very reminiscent of his older ballads.

彩虹 (Rainbow) (cai hong)
Upon first hearing this, I thought it was too bland. Not until I actually sat down properly and savoured it did I pick up on it's bueaty. It is beautiful as a slow song, and it does remind you of rainbows, the only problem with it is that I wish he didn't use the tinkling sound effect -- that gave too much of an amatuerish glow to the song

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