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Kamis, 30 Juni 2011

Jay Chou mengadakan Jumpa Fans di Jepang

Jay Chou di Tokyo - Jepang
Jay Chou terbang ke Tokyo setelah dia menyelesaikan syuting nya untuk film terbarunya bersama Nicholas Tse "The Viral Factor". Dia terbang langsung dari bandara menuju Tokyo International Forum C building. Untuk menghadiri jumpa fans "Jay Chou Japan Fans" - Magical Shower di Tokyo Jepang.

Senin, 27 Juni 2011

Zhou Jie Lun Opinion about Nicholas Tse

Jay Chou menyatakan bahwa Nicholas Tse sangat bahagia: Jika saya dalam keadaan seperti itu, Saya belum tentu bisa menghadapinya.
Zhou Jie Lun in GMA Awards
 Di 24 Juni, China Mobile Wireless Music Awards diadakan di "Workers" Stadium di Beijing. Jay Chou datang dengan memakai pakaiam yang semuanya hitam. Dan di balik panggung dia ditanyai tentang kasus perceraian Nicholas tse dan Cecilia Cheung, Jay Chou menyatakan Nicholas Tse sangat bahagia dan selalu tersenyum saat dia bekerja. dia memujinya karena dia memiliki EQ yang sangat tinggi.

Minggu, 19 Juni 2011

Jay Chou king of GMA

Jay Chou menang Album Terbaik, sepanggung dengan Patty Hou
Jay Chou menang Album Terbaik, sepanggung dengan Patty Hou

Hari ini (19th June 2011), penghargaan terbesar untuk music telah diumumkan. Album “The Era” Jay Chou, memenangkan the BEST MANDARIN ALBUM dalam Golden Melody Awards yang ke 22. Padaha Jay Chou adalah presenter dalam award tersebut, dia menerima award tersebut dari sesame presenter Judy Gong

Jay Chou and Judy Gong
Jay Chou menyatakan, Vincent Fang tidak akan marah, dia menulis 5 lagu di album tersebut, penghargaan atas album “The Era” merupakan kemenangan untuk semua orang. Sebelum memberikan penghargaan Judy Gong  dan Jay saling menggoda

Jumat, 17 Juni 2011

Jay Chou di Kuala Lumpur

Jay Chou di Kuala Lumpur

Beberapa hari Terakhir Nicholas Tse tidak nampak di Kuala Lumpur untuk syuting film terbarunya bersama Jay Chou "The Viral Factor". Tetapi Jay Chou dan juga Andy On nampak masih syuting di kuala lumpur. 

Kemarin di kuala lumpur (8th June 2011), Jay Chou dan Andy on nampak sibuk dengan adegan syuting dimana mereka melakukan adegan perkelahian dan tembak menembak dengan pistol di jembatan dan juga atap rumah. Selain melakukan pengambilan gambar untuk adegan film terbaru mereka. Nampak Jay Chou dan Andy on juga menjalani sesi pemotretan untuk mengambil ekspresi wajah mereka.
The Viral Factor
Karena hari itu di Kuala Lumpur sangat panas, salah seorang anggota staf Jay Chou harus membantu dirinya untuk menghapus keringat dan juga mengaplikasikan kembali make -upnya.

Setelah membahas script dengan Chin Ka Lok, Jay Chou naik ke atap dan melanjutkan syuting adegan perkelahian senjata, ia ke tempat kejadian dan melakukan semua kegiatan syutind dengan sangat profesional. Sekelompok besar penonton berkumpul untuk menyaksikan, awak menutup satu sisi jembatan untuk 

menghindari agar syuting tidak terpengaruh.

Nah.. kita tunggu aja ya... semoga filmnya cepet selesai.. ^^ 
translated from

Minggu, 12 Juni 2011

Jay Chou film Secret 2 in 3D version

Akhir - kahir ini Jay Chou sangat sibuk dengan tour ekliling dunianya, tetepi belakangan ini cinematographer Taiwan Kevin mengungkap di blognya tentang rencana Jay Chou yang akan membuat film baru berjuduk "Secret2". Pemeran wanitanya sudah terlebih dahulu di ekspos. Menurut Kevin; "Setelah Jay Chou selesai concert di tahun 2011 ini, dia akan membuat sequel film Secret ini. Sekarang skripnya sudah direncanakan, dan kalini ini akan sedikit lebih sci-fi dan akan di tayangkan dalam 3D

Ketika Jay Chou bermain di film "Secret" dia sudah mempunyai ide untuk "Secret2", namun karena dia sangat sibuk sehingga rencana itu belum terealisasi. Script untuk film baru sudah dikerjakan akhir tahun 2009 dan sudah disetujui bahwa mereka akan mulai untuk pengambilan gambar pada September 2011. Dari awal Jay Chou sudah memaparkan kepada media bahwa crew untuk film itu tidak akan berubah. Untuk pemeran pria akan tetap sama, tetapi untuk pemeran wanita dia mengingikan sedikit "perubahan". Dia khawatir bahwa penonton sudah memiliki kesan yang mendalam kepada Guai Lun Mei dan Alice Tzeng, jadi pendatang baru akan memberikan suasana yang berbeda. Untuk detail lain dari film tersebut\, Jay Chou enggan untuk memberi informasi.

Tetapi Kevin sedikit banyak membocorkan tentang "Secret" Jay Chou di blognya; sama seperti yang lalu."Secret2" juga tentang "Time Travelling". tapi kali ini akan lebih kreatif dalam adegan dan juga alur cerita yang dibawakan. Di dalam Album Jay Chou yang terbaru "the Era" sudah di masukan lagu "Time Travelled".

Kali ini pemeran wanita "Secret2" Man Qi, telah direkomendasikan kepada Jay Chou lewat salah satu teman baiknya. Dia cantik dan masih polos, karakter imutnya sangat cocok dengan karakter Jay Chou. Yang membedakan "Secret" dan "Secret2" adalah "Time Travel" antara dunia sekarang dan akan datang. Dan dengan kenyataan bahwa pemeran laki- laki dan wanita berasal dari era yang berbeda, dan juga memiliki teknologi yang berbeda, maka muncul banyak cerita yang menarik muncul. Pemeran cowok adalah seorang anak SMA, dan yang cewek berasal dari masa depan yang memiliki teknologi yang sangat maju. Kali ini Jay Chou akan memainkan film ini dalam konsep 3D dan akan memciptakan lagu dengan nuansa Hollywood

Wartawan meminta konfirmasi lebih lanjut tentang rincian diungkapkan oleh Kiven tentang "Secret", dan mereka masuk dengan staf JVR. Anggota Staf Mr.Wang tidak menyangkal tentang rencana pembuatan "Secret2" tetapi ia menolak memberikan keterangan lebih lanjut.

Jumat, 10 Juni 2011

Our Partner - Muda dan Berduit

Mewujudkan impian dan cita cita adalah keinginan semua Orang. Tetapi menjadi SUKSES dalam mewujudkan impian dan cita-cita di usia muda adalah PILIHAN. Berkaryalah sedini mungkin, dengan memilih bisnis yang tepat, mudah, menyenangkan dan hasil yang memuaskan bersama Oriflame :) adalah komunitas anak - anak muda yang berpenghasilan dari Oriflame. Terdiri dari anak - anak yang lulus kuliah atau pun yang masih menempuh pendidikan formal di bangku kuliah.

Bergabunglah dengan mereka jika Anda ingin mendapatkan penghasilan dan mandiri di usia dini.

Tua kaya raya itu biasa, Muda kaya raya itu luar biasa.
So, bagi teman - teman yang ingin SUKSES di usia muda bergabunglah dengan mereka dan dapatkan komunitas yang positif dan juga peluang untuk meraih penghasilan di usia dini.

Jay Chou has dedicated umbrella holder

Jay in The Viral Factor Scene
Karena rumor masalah perkawinan dengan Cecilia Cheung, Nicholas Tse telah menarik perhatian meskipun ia sekarang syuting film barunya di Malaysia. Baru-baru ini wartawan mengunjungi dia dan melaporkan bahwa Nicholas Tse tidak dalam kondisi yang baik dalam sesi pengambilan gambar untuk film terbaru Nicholas Tse dan Jay Chou "The Viral Factor". Mereka memerlukan waktu yang lama dan adegan dilakukan berulang - ulang sebelum akhirnya selesai.

Jay Dedicated umbrella holder

Adegan yang diambil kali ini adalah tentang Nicholas Tse disakiti, Direktur Chou mengajakl\ Nic ke apotek untuk mengambil obat, dijalan mereka melihat polisi dan mereka berdua buru-buru pergi, di mana suara tembakan mulai riuh terdengar. Jauh dari kamera, ternyata orang yang membuat suara itu tidak lain dan tidak bukan sutradara Dante Lam, namun Direktur Chou dan Nicholas Tse tidak pada kondisi yang bagus. Adegan ini memakan banyak waktu dan adegan di ulangi berulang - ulang hanya untuk menyelesaikan satu adegan ini, kadang-kadang para pelaku tidak bisa membuka mobil pintu, kadang-kadang mobil mogok, bahkan banyak pejalan kaki tidak membantu dan mereka mulai mencemooh.

Setelah adegan itu selesai, Direktur Chou meninggalkan lokasi syuting dengan payung untuk menghindar dari wartawan yang meliputi dia. Sementara Nic, yang telah terganggu oleh rumor masalah nikah, ia tidak terlihat terlalu berbeda dari biasanya, dia tetap menunjukkan profesionalisme nya.

Rabu, 08 Juni 2011



*The Petition*

Kami fans Indonesia dari artis Taiwan-JAY CHOU, dengan petisi ini kami hendak melakukan survey secara online terhadap animo fans Indonesia apabila akan diadakannya konser Jay Chou New Era di akhir tahun 2011 ini.

Sebagai artis multitalented yang sangat terkenal, begitu banyak Negara-negara asia yang telah dikunjungi Jay Chou dalam rangka konser World Tour. Hanya sayangnya hingga kini, Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara dengan basisi fans Jay Chou yang cukup besar di Asia masih belum dilirik sebagai salah satu negara yang akan dikunjungi.

Tapi di 2011 ini, kesempatan menjadi salah satu negara tujuan konser New Era cukup terbuka dan positif.
Karenanya kami membuat petisi ini untuk mengetahui seberapa besar keinginan fans Indonesia untuk datang dan menyaksikan aksi penampilan Jay Chou apabila konser tersebut diadakan di Jakarta.

Adapun ilustrasi range ticket yang dilampirkan adalah sebagai berikut

* 250.000
* 500.000
* 1.000.000
* 2.0000.000

Kami para fans Jay Chou di Indonesia berterima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya untuk perhatian yang diberikan. Semoga akan ada dampak nyata dari petisi yang kami buat bersama ini.


thkz for the information

Jay Chou bikin lagu untuk SuJu M??

Ya, yang Anda baca benar! penyanyi, pencipta lagu, aktor, dan sutradara Jay Chou akan memberikan kontribusi sebuah lagu untuk mini album  Super Junior berjudul 'Too Perfect' yang  dirilis pada tanggal 25 Februari 2011.

Jay Chou and member of SUJU M
“Lee Jaemyoung” dikenal sebagi composer lagu SJ maupun GG sebelumnya. Secara kasat mata dia memberikan sedikit info tentang album terbaru Suju-M yang dirilis pada 25 Februari 2011. Menurut tulisannya, akan ada satu lagu komposisi dari Jay Chou, ~artis multi talented asal Taiwan ~  masuk di album tersebut.

Tanggal 25 kemarin, Lee baru saja selesai me-arrange lagu ciptaan Jay Chou tersebut. Ia menulis betapa bangga dirinya diberi kepercayaan untuk menggubah lagu tersebut dan dirinya berjanji berusaha keras agar master piece tersebut selesai dengan sempurna.

Padahal selain Jay Chou, adalah Michael Guang Liang~ penyanyi popular asal China dengan hit single Fairytale~ yang mengutarakan niatnya untuk menulis lagu SJ-M setelah ia menyaksikan penmapilan fan-meet beberapa tahun lalu dimana mereka membawakan lagu Tong Hua tersebut.

Ia sudah beberapa kali mengajukan lagu tapi mencuatnya nama Jay Chou di akhir wacana memang diluar perkiraan semua orang.
Jay Chou sendiri merupakan AMZINg composer ~ sudah tak terhitung berapa banyak HITS lagu yang sudah ditelurkannya selama 10 tahun berkarir sebagai penyanyi. Meski kurang Berjaya di jalur industry film, tapi untuk urusan music ~ no comment ~ LOL

Judul lagu yang diciptakan oleh Jay Chou adalah??

Love is Sweet...

berikut lyricnya untuk para penggemar Su Ju dan juga JC

zhe cheng shi ye wan nao hong hong
ren chao xiang kuai bo de shi zhong
zhe bu shi wo yao de gan dong
lan jia de zhuang dou tai nong

zhe gan jue wo bu zhi zen me xing rong
jie dao shang shuo de ni hong
jiu xiang shi duan zan de xiao rong
neng bu neng gei wo yi fen zhong
an an jing jing gen ni gou tong

qin ai de wo zhen de gen ta men bu tong
hua bu duo wo tian sheng man shou
bu shi bu xiang qian ni shou
zhi shi zai deng ni wei xiao dian tou
dui ni wo shi zhong wen rou

qing bie guai wo chen mo hai xiu man shou wei yong bao zhao li you
wo zhen de ai shang bu luo suo ke yi hen yong gan da sheng de shuo

*xing fu shang yan ju qing wei tian wo qing chang ni de lian
kai xin ming xian wo men wang dui fang de shen shang hu nian
kuai le bu bi xian wo men zhu zai bi ci xin li mian yi tian tian lei ji juan lian
xing fu shang yan ju qing wei tian wo qing chang ni de lian
jie ju xian jue gu shi li wo men yi qi zou hen yuan

wan mei yi zheng bian ai gang chu lu zheng xin xian wo qing yao xia yong yuan
zhe cheng shi ye wan nao hong hong
ren chao xiang kuai bo de shi zhong
zhe bu shi wo yao de gan dong
lan jia de zhuang dou tai nong

zhe gan jue wo bu zhi zen me xing rong
jie dao shang shuo de ni hong
jiu xiang shi duan zan de xiao rong
neng bu neng gei wo yi fen zhong
an an jing jing gen ni gou tong

qin ai de wo zhen de gen ta men bu tong
hua bu duo wo tian sheng man shou
bu shi bu xiang qian ni shou
zhi shi zai deng ni wei xiao dian tou

dui ni wo shi zhong wen rou
qing bie guai wo chen mo hai xiu man shou wei yong bao zhao li you
wo zhen de ai shang bu luo suo ke yi hen yong gan da sheng de shuo

*xing fu shang yan ju qing wei tian wo qing chang ni de lian
kai xin ming xian wo men wang dui fang de shen shang hu nian

kuai le bu bi xian wo men zhu zai bi ci xin li mian yi tian tian lei ji juan lian xing fu shang yan ju qing wei tian wo qing chang ni de lian

jie ju xian jue gu shi li wo men yi qi zou hen yuan
wan mei yi zheng bian ai gang chu lu zheng xin xian wo qing yao xia yong yuan
ni yao shen me qi shi qi shi wo dong na lian ai jiu gai fang qing song

pao che la feng bu xu yao yan hong guo duo de zhang sheng shi zhong xu rong ni ye dong

wo bu hui bian zhi na mei meng dan que hui rang ni hen shou chong gei de zhen xin hen shou yong

*xing fu shang yan ju qing wei tian wo qing chang ni de lian
kai xin ming xian wo men wang dui fang de shen shang hu nian
kuai le bu bi xian wo men zhu zai bi ci xin li mian yi tian tian lei ji juan lian

xing fu shang yan ju qing wei tian wo qing chang ni de lian
jie ju xian jue gu shi li wo men yi qi zou hen yuan
wan mei yi zheng bian ai gang chu lu zheng xin xian wo qing yao xia yong yuan

Mau TRANSLATION nya kagak???

Kasih dah...

This city is noisy at night
People are like a clock that is fast
This is not the emotion I want
Even the cheap makeup is too thick

This feeling, I do not know how to express it.
The flashing neon lamps
Are just like short-lived smiles
Can you give me one minute

To quietly communicate with you
Beloved, I am really not the same as them
Few words, I am naturally slow and mature
It is not that I do not wish to hold your hand
It is just that I am waiting for you to smile and nod

To you I am gentle
Please don’t blame me for being quiet shy slow, for looking for reasons to hug
I am really in love with not saying much, being courageous and speaking loudly

*Happiness goes on show, the drama is mildly sweet and I lightly taste your face
Happy and prominently we stick to each other(‘s bodies)

Happiness does not hide from being suspicious; we live in each other’s heart, day by day piling up our longing
Happiness goes on show, the drama is mildly sweet and I gently taste your face

The ending is fresh; in the story we will walk together for a long distance
Going through it perfectly once through, love is fresh from the oven, I lightly bite down on forever
This city is noisy at night
People are like a clock that is fast
This is not the emotion I want

Even the cheap makeup is too thick
This feeling, I do not know how to express it.
The flashing neon lamps
Are just like short-lived smiles
Can you give me one minute

To quietly communicate with you
Beloved, I am really not the same as them
Few words, I am naturally slow and mature
It is not that I do not wish to hold your hand

It is just that I am waiting for you to smile and nod
To you I am gentle

Please don’t blame me for being quiet shy slow, for looking for reasons to hug
I am really in love with not saying much, being courageous and speaking loudly

*Happiness goes on show, the drama is mildly sweet and I lightly taste your face
Happy and prominently we stick to each other(‘s bodies)

Happiness does not hide from being suspicious; we live in each other’s heart, day by day piling up our longing
Happiness goes on show, the drama is mildly sweet and I gently taste your face

The ending is fresh; in the story we will walk together for a long distance
Going through it perfectly once through, love is fresh from the oven, I lightly bite down on forever

Whatever you want I actually actually know that love should be held loosely

On the bicycle pulling against the wind there is no need for red eyes; too much applause is a kind of vanity you know this too

I do not know how to weave that beautiful dream but I will let you be pampered and the sincerity given will be put to good use

*Happiness goes on show, the drama is mildly sweet and I lightly taste your face
Happy and prominently we stick to each other(‘s bodies)

Happiness does not hide from being suspicious; we live in each other’s heart, day by day piling up our longing
Happiness goes on show, the drama is mildly sweet and I gently taste your face

The ending is fresh; in the story we will walk together for a long distance
Going through it perfectly once through, love is fresh from the oven, I lightly bite down on forever

Dan ini yang terakhir.... kalo teman - teman mau download tinggal klik aja ini..

DOWNLOAD Super Junior - Love Is Sweet

Dao Xiang - Fragrance of Rice

Dao Xiang - Fragrance of Rice

Composer: Jay Chou (周杰倫) (周杰伦)
Lyricist: Jay Chou (周杰倫) (周杰伦) 

Jay in Dao Xiang MV

dui zhe ge shi jie ru guo ni you tai duo de bao yuan
die dao le jiu bu gan ju xu wang qian zou
wei shen me ren yao zhe me de cui ruo duo luo
qing ni da kai dian shi kan

duo shao ren wei sheng ming zai nu li yong gan de zou xia qu
wo men shi bu shi gai zhi zu
zhen xi yi qie jiu suan mei you yong you
hai ji de ni shuo jia shi wei yi de cheng bao

sui zhe dao xiang he liu ji xu ben pao
wei wei xiao xiao shi hou de meng wo zhi dao
bu yao ku rang ying huo chong dai zhe ni tao pao
xiang jian de ge yao yong yuan de yi kao
hui jia ba hui dao zui chu de mei hao

bu yao zhe me rong yi jiu xiang fang qi jiu xiang wo shuo de
zhui bu dao de meng xiang huan ge meng bu jiu de le
wei zi ji de ren sheng xian yan shang se xian ba ai tu shang xi huan de yan se
xiao yi ge ba gong cheng ming jiu bu shi mu di
rang zi ji kuai le kuai le zhe yang cai jiao zuo yi yi

tong nian de zhi fei ji xian zai zhong yu fei hui wo shou li
suo wei de na huai le chi jiao zai tian li zhui qing ting zhui dao lei le
tou zhai shui guo bei mi feng gei ding dao pa le shui zai tou xiao ne

wo kao zhe dao cao ren chui zhe feng chang zhe ge shui zhao le
o o wu hou ji ta zai chong ming zhong geng qing cui

o o yang guang sa zai lu shang jiu bu pa xin sui
zhen xi yi qie jiu suan mei you yong you
hai ji de ni shuo jia shi wei yi de cheng bao
sui zhe dao xiang he liu ji xu ben pao

wei wei xiao xiao shi hou de meng wo zhi dao
bu yao ku rang ying huo chong dai zhe ni tao pao
xiang jian de ge yao yong yuan de yi kao
hui jia ba hui dao zui chu de mei hao

Lyrics Translation

If you have too many complaints towards this world
When you fall down you don't dare to continue walking forward
Why must people be so weak, depraved
I ask you to turn on the TV and see
How many people bravely do their best to continue walking for life
Shouldn't we be content with what we have?
You should cherish everything even if you don't possess it

I still remember you said your home was the only castle, you continue to run along with the fragrance of rice and the flowing river
Smiling, the dreams when you were young, I know
Don't cry, let the fireflies lead you to escape, folk songs in the country, you can always rely on them
Just go home
Go back to the happiness at the very start

Don't be so easy to give up, it's just like I say
For dreams you can't achieve, switch it for another and it'll be fine
Put some colour into your life, firstly paint the colour you like on love
Come on and smile, merit and fame aren't the goals
Let yourself be happy, this is what you call meaning
The paper airplane from my childhood, it's finally flown back to my hand now
That so called happiness, running barefoot in the fields chasing dragonflies and getting tired
Picking fruits without permission and getting scared from being stung by bees, who's sniggering?

I lean on the scarecrow while being blown by the wind while singing while sleeping
Oh oh, in the afternoon the sound of the guitar is clearer among the buzzing of bugs
Oh oh, if the sunshine sprinkles on the road then I won't be afraid of being broken-hearted
You should cherish everything even if you don't possess it

I still remember you said your home was the only castle, you continue to run along with the fragrance of rice and the flowing river
Smiling, dreams when you were young, I know
Don't cry, let the fireflies lead you to escape, folk songs in the country, you can always rely on them
Just go home
Go back to the happiness at the very start

Shuo hao De Xing Fu Ne - Where's The Promised Happiness

Shuo hao De Xing Fu Ne - Where's The Promised Happiness

Composer: Jay Chou (周杰倫) (周杰伦)
Lyricist: Vincent Fang (方文山) (方文山)

Jay with Chen Kuang Yi in Shuo Hao De Xing Fu Ne MV

ni de hui hua ling luan zhe
zai zhe ge shi ke
wo xiang qi pen quan pang de bai ge
tian mi sa luo le

qing xu mo ming de la che
wo hai ai ni ne
er ni duan duan xu xu chang zhe ge
jia zhuang mei shi le

shi jian guo le zou le
ai qing mian lin xuan zhe
ni leng le juan le wo ku le
li kai shi de bu kuai le
ni yong ka pian shou xie zhe
you xie ai zhi gei dao zhe zhen de tong le

zen me lei le.shuo hao de.xing fu ne
wo dong le.bu shuo dan le.meng yuan le.
kai xin yu bu kai xin, yi yi shu shuo zhe, ni zai bu she
na xie ai guo de gan jue dou tai shen ke. wo dou hai ji de.

ni bu deng le.shuo hao de xing fu ne.
wo cuo le. lei gan le.fang shou le. hou hui le.
zhi shi hui yi de ying yue he zai xuan zhuan zhe
yao zen me ting ne

ni de hui hua ling luan zhe
zai zhe ge shi ke
wo xiang qi pen quan pang de bai ge
tian mi sa luo le

qing xu mo ming de la che
wo hai ai ni ne
er ni duan duan xu xu chang zhe ge
jia zhuang mei shi le

shi jian guo le zou le
ai qing mian lin xuan zhe
ni leng le juan le wo ku le
li kai shi de bu kuai le
ni yong ka pian shou xie zhe
you xie ai zhi gei dao zhe zhen de tong le

zen me lei le.shuo hao de xing fu ne
wo dong le.bu shuo dan le.meng yuan le.
kai xin yu bu kai xin, yi yi shu shuo zhe, ni zai bu she
na xie ai guo de gan jue dou tai shen ke. wo dou hai ji de.

ni bu deng le.shuo hao de xing fu ne.
wo cuo le. lei gan le.fang shou le. hou hui le.
zhi shi hui yi de yin yue he zai xuan zhuan zhe
yao zen me ting ne

zhen me lei le.shuo hao de.xing fu ne
wo dong le.bu shuo dan le.
meng yuan le.hua dou hai ji de.

ni bu deng le.shuo hao de xing fu ne.
wo cuo le. lei gan le.fang shou le. hou hui le.
zhi shi hui yi de yin yue he zai xuan zhuan zhe
yao zen me ting ne

Lyrics Translation

Jay Act in MV
Your response is getting chaotic
At this moment
I think of the dove by the fountain
The sweetness disperses

My sentiments are dragged about for no reason
Do I still love you?
And you're singing the song intermittently
Acting like you're fine

Time has passed
It's gone
You face a choice in love
You're cold
I've cried
The unhappiness when you left
You write it down onto a card
For some love when you give to this point
It really hurts

What's going on?
You're tired
Where's the promised happiness?
I understand
Let's not talk about it
Love has faded
The dream has become distant
I count each and every happy and unhappy thing
Once more you're reluctant to let go
Those feelings of having loved are too deep
I still remember them

You don't wait anymore
Where's the promised happiness?
I was wrong
The tears have dried
I've let go
I've regretted
But the music box in my memories is still spinning
How can I stop it?

What's going on?
You're tired
Where's the promised happiness?
I understand
Let's not talk about it
Love has faded
The dream is distanced
I count each and every happiness and unhappiness
Once more you're reluctant to let go
Those feelings of having loved are too deep
I still remember them

You don't wait anymore
Where's the promised happiness?
I was wrong
The tears have dried
I've let go
I've regretted
But the music box in my memories is still spinning
How can I stop it?

Gei Wo Yi Shou Ge De Shi Jian - Give Me The Time For One Song

Gei Wo Yi Shou Ge De Shi Jian - Give Me The Time For One Song

Composer: Jay Chou (周杰倫) (周杰伦)
Lyricist: Jay Chou (周杰倫) (周杰伦)
Jay - Give Me The Time For One Song

Yu lin shi le tian kong
Rain has fallen from the sky

Hui de hen jiang jiu
Destructively poetic.
N i shuo ni bu dong

You say you don’t understand

Wei he zai zhe shi qian shou
Why we hold hands now.

Wo shai gan le chen mo
I’ve dried myself off in silence,

Hui de hen chong dong
Regretfully rinsed off.

Jiu suan zuo shi zuo cuo
Considering that I’ve done wrong,

Ye zhi shi pa cuo guo
I’m also simply afraid to make mistakes again.

Zai yi qi jiao meng
Being together is called a dream.

Fen kai le jiao tong
Having broken up is called pain.

Shi bu shi shuo
Is it that

Mei you zuo wan de meng zui tong
Having not completed out dream is the worst part?

Mi lu de hou guo
The aftermath of losing my way

Wo neng cheng shou
Is something I can bear.

Zhe zui hou de chu kou zai ai guo nar cai you
I only have the final exit from having loved left.

Neng bu neng gei wo yi shou ge de shi jian
Can you give me the time to sing this song?

Jin jin de ba na yong bao bian cheng yong yuan
The tight embrace I give you becomes forever

Zai wo de huai li
In my heart.

Ni bu bu yong hai pa shi mian
You aren’t afraid of losing sleep.

Ru guo ni xiang wang ji wo ye neng shi yi
If you want to forget, I can also lose the memories.

Neng bu neng gei wo yi shou ge de shi jian
Can you give me time to sing this song?

Ba gu shi ting dao zui hou cai shuo zai jian
Only after hearing the end of the story say “goodbye.”

Ni song wo de yan lei
You carry my tears,

Rang ta liu zai yu tian
Save them for a rainy day.


Yue guo ni hua de xian wo ding le yong qi
Overcoming your cutting me off I’ve determined to have a brave

De zhong dian


Ni shuo wo bu gai bu gai
You say I shouldn’t I shouldn’t

Bu gai zai zhe shi hou shuo le wo ai ni
Shouldn’t have told you I love you just now.

Yao zen me zheng ming wo mei you xhuo huang de li qi
How must I prove that I don’t have the strength to lie to you?

O qing gao su wo
Oh, please tell me!

Zan ting suan bu suan fang qi
Hesitating, will I decide to let go?

Wo zhi you na yi tian de hui yi
I only have that one day’s memories.

Neng bu neng gei wo yi shou ge de shi jian
Can you give me the time to sing this song?

Jin jin de ba na yong bao bian cheng yong yuan
The tight embrace I give you becomes forever

Zai wo de huai li ni bu yong tai duo shi mian
In my heart.  You won’t lose too much sleep.


Ru guo ni xiang wang ji wo ye neng shi yi
If you want to forget, I can also lose the memories.

Neng bu neng gei wo yi shou ge de shi jian
Can you give me time to sing this song?

Ba gu shi ting dao zui hou cai shuo zai jian
Only after hearing the end of the story say “goodbye.”

Ni song wo de yan lei
You carry my tears,

Rang ta liu zai yu tian
Save them for a rainy day.


Yue guo ni hua de xian wo ding le yong qi
Overcoming your cutting me off I’ve determined to have a brave

De zhong dian

Ni shuo wo bu gai bu gai
You say I shouldn’t I shouldn’t

Bu gai zai zhe shi hou shuo le wo ai ni
Shouldn’t have told you I love you just now.

Yao zen me zheng ming wo mei you li qi
How must I prove I don’t have the strength?

Gao su wo zan ting suan bu suan fang qi
Tell me.  Hesitating, will I decide to give up?

Ni shuo wo bu gai bu gai
You say I shouldn’t, shouldn’t,

Bu gai zai zhe shi cai shuo ai ni
Shouldn’t at this time just say I love you.

Yao zen me zheng ming wo mei you li qi
How must I prove that I don’t have the strength?

Wo zhi you yi tian de hui yi
I only have one day’s memories.

An Jing - Silence

An Jing - Silence

Composer: Jay Chou (周杰倫) (周杰伦)
Lyricist: Jay Chou (周杰倫) (周杰伦)

An Jing - Silence

Zhi sheng xia gang qin pei wo tan le yi tian
Shui jiao de da ti qin
An Jing de jiu jiu de
Wo xiang ni yi biao xian de fei chang ming bai
Wo dong wo ye zhi dao
Ni mei you she bu de
Ni shuo ni ye hui nan guo wo bu xiang xin
Qian zhe ni pei zhe wo ye zhi shi cheng jin
Xi wang ta shi zhen de bi wo hai yao ai ni
Wo cai hui bi zi ji li kai

Ni yao wo shuo duo nan kan
Wo gen ben bu xiang fen kai
Wei she me hai yao wo yong wei xiao lai dai guo
Wo mei you zhe zhong tian fen
bao rong ni ye jie shou ta
Bu yao dan xin de tai duo
Wo hui yi zhi hao hao guo

Ni yi jin yuan yuan li kai
Wo ye hui man man zou kai
Wei she me wo lian fen kai dou qian jiu zhe ni
Wo zhen de mei you tian fen
An jing de mei zhe me kuai
Wo hui xue zhe fang qi ni
Shi ying wei wo tai ai ni

Lyrics Translation

Only the piano is left to talk with me for a day
The sleeping cello
It's silent and old

I think that you have already made it very clear
I understand and I know
You're not going to be reluctant about parting ways
You say you will feel sad, I don't believe it

Holding onto you and you being with me
It's just a thing of the past
I hope he really loves you more than I do
Only then will I force myself to leave

You want me to say it, it is very embarrassing
I just don't want us to part
Why do I still come across with a smile?

I do not have this kind of talent
To tolerate you accepting him
Don't need to worry too much
I will live on well

You have already left far away
I will also slowly walk away
Why must I be accomodating you even for the break up?

I really do not have the talent
To be silent this fast

I will learn to give you up
It is because I love you too much

Qing Tian - Fine Day

Qing Tian - Fine Day

Composer: Jay Chou (周杰倫) (周杰伦)
Lyricist: Jay Chou (周杰倫) (周杰伦) 

Jay Chou - Qing Tian

Gu shi de xiao huang hua
Cong chu sheng na nian jiu piao zhe
Tong nian de dang qiu qian
Sui ji yi yi zhi huang dao xian zai

Ruay sou sou si dou si
La sou la si si si si la si la sou

Chui zhe qian zou wang zhe tian kong wo xiang qi hua ban shi zhe diao luo

Wei ni qiao ke de na yi tian
Hua luo de na yi tian
Jiao shi de na yi jian
Wo zen me kan bu jian
Xiao shi de xia yu tian
Wo hao xiang zai lin yi bian
Mei xiang dao shi qu de yong qi wo hai liu zhe
Hao xiang zai wen yi bian
Ni hui deng dai hai shi li kai

Gua feng zhe tian
Wo shi guo wo zhe ni shou
Dan pian pian
Yu jian jian
Da dao wo kan ni bu jian
Hai yao duo jiu
Wo cai neng zai ni shen bian
Deng dai fang qing de na tian
Ye xu wo hui bi jiao hao yi dian
Cong qian cong qian
You ge ren ai ni hen jiu
Dan pian pian
Feng jian jian
Ba ju li chui de hao yuan
Hao bu rong yi
You neng zai duo ai yi tian
Dan gu shi de zui hou ni hao xiang hai shi shuo le bye bye

Lyrics Translation

The spring flower of the story
Floats from that year when it was born
Swinging on a swing in childhood
Following memories always swaying till now

ruay sou sou si dou si
la sou la si si si si la si la sou

Playing the prelude, watching the sky, I remember the petal trying to flop

That day when I skipped class for you
That day when flowers fall
That classroom
How come I couldn't see
The disappeared rainy sky?
I really want to be drenched again
Never thought that I still keep the courage that I have lost
Really want to ask again
Will you wait or leave?

This day of the typhoon
I tried to hold onto your hand
But yet
Rain gradually
Heavy to the point that I cannot see you
How much longer
Before I can be at your side?
Waiting for that day when it clears up
Maybe I will be a bit better
In the past, in the past
There was someone who loved you for a long time
But yet
Wind gradually
Blows the distance really far apart
Not very easily
Once again be able to love a day more
But the end of the story it seems like you still said bye-bye

Qi Li Xing - Common Jasmin Orange

Qi Li Xing - Common Jasmin Orange

Composer: Jay Chou (周杰倫) (周杰伦)
Lyricist: Vincent Fang (方文山) (方文山) 

Qi Li Xing - Common Jasmin Orange

chuang wai de ma que
zai dian xian gan shang dou zui
ni shuo zhe yi ju
hen you xia tian de gan jue

shou zhong de qian bi
zai zhi shang lai lai hui hui
wo yong ji hang zi xing rong ni shi wo de shei

qiu dao yu de zi wei mao geng ni dou xiang liao jie
chu lian de xiang wei jiu zhe yang bei wo meng xun hui

na wen nuan de yang guang
xiang gang zhai de xian yan cao mei
ni shuo ni she bu de chi diao zhe yi zhong gan jue

yu xia zheng ye
wo de ai yi chu jiu xiang yu shui
yuan zi luo ye
geng wo de si nian hou hou yi die
ji ju shi fei
ye wu fa jiang wo de re qing leng que
ni chu xian zai wo shi de mei yi ye

yu xia zheng ye
wo de ai yi chu jiu xiang yu shui
chuang tai hu die
xiang shi li fen fei de mei li zhang jie
wo jie zhe xie
ba yong yuan ai ni xie jin shi de jie wei
ni shi wo wei yi xiang yao de liao jie

yu xia zheng ye
wo de ai yi chu jiu xiang yu shui
yuan zi luo ye
geng wo de si nian hou hou yi die
ji ju shi fei
ye wu fa jiang wo de re qing leng que
ni chu xian zai wo shi de mei yi ye

na bao man de dao sui
xing fu le zhe ge ji jie
er ni de lian jia xiang tian li shou tou de fan qie

ni tu ran dui wo shuo
qi li xiang de ming zi hen mei
wo ci ke que zhi xiang qin wen ni jue jiang de zui

yu xia zheng ye
wo de ai yi chu jiu xiang yu shui
yuan zi luo ye
geng wo de si nian hou hou yi die
ji ju shi fei
ye wu fa jiang wo de re qing leng que
ni chu xian zai wo shi de mei yi ye

zheng ye
wo de ai yi chu jiu xiang yu shui
chuang tai hu die
xiang shi li fen fei de mei li zhang jie
wo jie zhe xie
ba yong yuan ai ni xie jin shi de jie wei
ni shi wo wei yi xiang yao de liao jie

Lyrics Translation
The sparrow outside the window
Has a big mouth on the wire pole
You said this sentence
Has very much the feeling of summer
The pencil in my hand
Moves back and forth on the paper
I use a few lines of words to describe who you are to me

The taste of sanma
The cat and you both want to understand
The fragrance of first love is retrieved by us just like this
That warm sunshine
Is like the just picked bright strawberry
You say you are not willing to eat this kind of feeling

Rain falls for the whole night
My love overflows like the rain
Leaves fall in the courtyard
With my thoughts one thick pile
A few words of gossip
There is no way it can cool off my passion
You appear in every page of my poem

Rain falls for the whole night
My love overflows like the rain
The butterfly on the windowsill
Is like the beautiful chapters fluttering about in the poem
I then write
I write I always love you into the end of the poem
You are the only understanding I want

That which is full of ears of the rice plant
Blessed this season
And your cheek is like the thoroughly ripe tomato in the field
You suddenly say to me
The name of the Common Jasmin Orange is very beautiful
Yet this moment I only wanted to kiss your stubborn lips

Rain falls for the whole night
My love overflows like the rain
Leaves fall in the courtyard
With my thoughts one thick pile
A few words of gossip
There is no way it can cool off my passion
You appear in every page of my poem

Rain falls for the whole night
My love overflows like the rain
Leaves fall in the courtyard
With my thoughts one thick pile
A few words of gossip
There is no way it can cool off my passion
You appear in every page of my poem

Rain falls for the whole night
My love overflows like the rain
The butterfly on the windowsill
Is like the beautiful chapters fluttering about in the poem
I then write
I write I always love you into the end of the poem
You are the only understanding I want 

Yi Lu Xiang Bei - All The Way North

Yi Lu Xiang Bei - All The Way North
Composer: Jay Chou (周杰倫) (周杰伦)
Lyricist: Vincent Fang (方文山) (方文山)

Yi Lu Xiang Bei is ending song of Initial D

hou shi jing li de shi jie yue lai yue yuan de dao bie
ni zhuan shen xiang bei che lian hai shi hen mei
wo yong yan guang qu zui jing ting jian ni de lei
zai che chuang wai mian pai hui shi wo cuo shi de ji hui
ni zhan de fang wei gen wo zhong jian ge zhe lei
jie jing yi zhi zai hou tui ni de beng kui zai chuang wai ling sui


wo yi lu xiang bei li kai you ni de ji jie
ni shuo ni hao lei yi wu fa zai ai shang shui
feng zai shan lu chui guo wang de hua mian quan dou shi wo bu dui
xi su can kui wo shang ni ji hui
wo yi lu xiang bei li kai you ni de ji jie
fang xiang pan zhou wei hui zhuan zhe wo de hou hui
wo jia sui chao yue que shuai bu diao jing jing gen shui de shang bei
xi shu can kui wo shang ni ji hui
ting zhi lang bei jiu rang cuo chun cui  

Snapshot of Yi Lu Xiang Bei MV

Lyrics Translation

 The world in the rear view mirror
Says goodbye further and further away
You turn around towards your back
The side of your face is still very beautiful
I use my vision to chase
I unexpectedly hear your tears

Lingering outside the car window
Is the chance I missed
You are standing in position
Tears across the middle of you and me
The view of the street has been recoiling all along
The bits and pieces of your collapse are outside the window

I go all the way north
Leaving the season that has you
You say you are very tired
You already have no way to fall in love with anyone else
The wind blows on the mountain road
The frames in the past are all my wrongs
Counting the shame
How many times I hurt you

I go all the way north
Leaving the season that has you
The steering wheel encompasses
Rotating around my regrets
I speed up to exceed it
Yet I can't lose the grief following closely
Counting the shame
How many times I hurt you
Stop the heartlessness

Shan Hu Hai - Coral Sea

Shan Hu Hai - Coral Sea

Composer: Jay Chou (周杰倫) (周杰伦)
Lyricist: Vincent Fang (方文山) (方文山)

Singers: Jay Chou and Lara Liang (from Nan Quan Ma Ma)
Lara. Jay Partner in Shan Hu Hai Song

(Jay) hai ping mian yuan fang kai shi yin mai
bei shang yao zen me ping jing chun bai
wo de lian shang
shi zhong jia dai
yi mo qian qian de wu nai

(Lara) ni yong chun yu shuo ni yao li kai
(xin bu zai)
na nan guo wu sheng man le xia lai
xiong yong chao shui
ni ting ming bai
bu shi lang er shi lei hai

(Together) zhuan shen li kai
(ni you hua shuo bu chu lai)
fen shou shuo bu chu lai
hai niao gen yu xiang ai
zhi shi yi chang yi wai
wo men de ai
(gei de ai)
chai yi yi zhi cun zai
(hui bu lai)
feng zhong chen ai
(deng dai)
jing lei ji cheng shang hai

(Together) zhuan shen li kai
(fen shou shuo bu chu lai)
fen shou shuo bu chu lai
wei lan de shan hu hai
cuo guo shun jian cang bai
dang chu bi ci
(ni wo dou)
bu gou cheng shu tan bai
(bu ying gai)
re qing bu zai
(ni de)
xiao rong mian qiang bu lai
ai shen mai shan hu hai

(Jay) hui huai de sha diao ru he zhong lai
you lie hen de ai zen me zhong gai
zhi shi yi qie
jie shu tai kuai
ni shuo ni wu fa shi huai

(Lara) bei ke li yin cang shen me qi dai
(deng hua er kai)
wo men ye yi jing wu xin zai cai
mian xiang hai feng
xian xian de ai
chang bu chu hai you wei lai
(back to reff)

Jay Chou at Shan Hu Hai MV

Lyrics Translation
(Jay) It begins to become grey at a far away place on the ocean plane
How can sadness be tranquil and pure white?
On my face
Still holding
A bit of shallow helplessness

(Lara) You use lip language to say you have to leave
(Your heart is not here)
That sadness slows down without a sound
The turbulent tide
You understand when hearing
It's not the wave but the sea of tears

(Both) Turn around and leave
(You have words you cannot say out)
Can't say break up
The sea crow and fish love each other
It was only an accident
Our love
(The love given out)
Difference existing all along
(Cannot come back)
The dust in the wind
Unexpectedly accumulates into hurt

(Both) Turn around and leave
(Can't say break up)
Can't say break up
The sky blue Coral Sea
Missing the momentary paleness
At that time you and I
(You and I both)
Were not mature and honest enough
The passion is not there anymore
Smile cannot be forced
Love is deeply buried in the Coral Sea

(Jay) How can the devastated sand carving be rebuilt?
How can love that has cracks be covered up?
It was only that everything
Ended too fast
You say you can't set your mind to rest

(Lara) What expectation is hidden in the shell?
(Waiting for the flower to blossom)
We both already have no mood to guess
Facing the sea wind
The salty love
I can't taste what future there still is

(Both) Turn around and leave
(You have words you cannot say out)
Can't say break up
The sea crow and fish love each other
It was only an accident
Our love
(The love given out)
Difference existing all along
(Cannot come back)
The dust in the wind
Unexpectedly accumulates into hurt

(Both) Turn around and leave
(Can't say break up)
Can't say break up
The sky blue Coral Sea
Missing the momentary paleness
At that time you and I
(You and I both)
Were not mature and honest enough
The passion is not there anymore
Smile cannot be forced
Love is deeply buried in the Coral Sea  

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